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Sister Duck

Updated: 1 hour ago

Sister Duck (pronounced "duke") is the oldest member of Rèstoration Ministries Church, Restore Haiti's partner church, and the community where she lives. She is well known for her passion to serve God, and while no longer physically able, memories of her dances during church praise and worship services are truly unforgettable. Her date of birth is unknown, but our Director of National Operations, Fedony Charles, has chosen January 12 as the day to celebrate her birthday. This past year Fedony and some other Restore Haiti staff and community members visited Sister Duck, bringing her a cake and singing her Happy Birthday. Sister Duck's smile in the video of the visit (below) says it all !!

Because of Haiti's low life expectancy (61 for men and 64 for women) and this country's cultural values, elders are highly revered. Haitian youngsters learn early in life how to respect their elders, with one of the ways being to care for them when they age. Nursing homes do not exist in Haiti. There is no government pension or health insurance. It is a cultural norm, and definitely not seen as a burden or an inconvenience, for families and / or community members to care for the elders and aged in their family and within their community.

Unfortunately, a harsh reality to add to the numerous harsh realities of living in Haiti, is older Haitians who do not have family members to care for them financially, spiritually and emotionally as they age and are unable to care for themselves. This can leave the aged population to face extreme challenges and dire living conditions. Without family, community members often happily step in, as is the cultural norm, but this is not always possible due to financial challenges or for various other reasons, as hardships are plenty in Haiti.

Thankfully, Sister Duck is surrounded by the love, care and support of numerous community members that cherish her dearly. She has become a pillar of hope and strength and a treasured and deeply loved matriarch in her community. We hope to celebrate Sister Duck's birthday for many years to come. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER DUCK!!!



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