Our Medical Clinic provides health care to over 1,000 students in our Sponsorship Program and the members of the three communities that we support in Haiti ... Morne Ogé, Matador and Carrefour.
In total, we have two doctors and three nurses on staff providing exceptional medical care to our Jacmel and area communities, everything from annual health checks and pediatric care and support, to providing medical guidance and advice, medication, wound care and more intensive medical treatments as needed.

Our Medical Clinic in Action
Out Front and Inside our Medical Clinic
We are currently experiencing significantly low medical supplies at our clinic as a result of being unable to take volunteer teams to Haiti at this time (due to the ongoing unrest making it unsafe to travel there). Several times per year, our volunteer teams would typically bring medical supplies to restock our clinic. Not being able to bring teams to Haiti with us for years has significantly impacted the stock of supplies and equipment in our clinic.
We have put together a list of our most urgently needed medical supplies (link below). If you or anyone you may know has access to any of the supplies or equipment on this list, please contact us at info@restorehaiti.com. While shipping at this time is limited due to the unrest as well, we do have the capability to ship medical supplies, supplies that are so desperately needed. We would greatly appreciate your help in keeping the three communities that we serve and the over 1,000 students in our Sponsorship Program healthy with access to free medical care. Thank you!!