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Haiti - It Feels Like Home

As Haiti continues to be ravaged by gang violence, it can be difficult for us to remember that things were not always this way; for reasons beyond the current unrest, beginning with the pandemic that halted travel worldwide. As it has been so long since we have been able to travel to Haiti, to send teams down to Haiti to experience our programs first-hand, and to hug and be with our Restore Haiti family in person, it feels like forever and like it has always been this way. Some of us have lost hope that we will ever be able to spend time in our beloved Haiti again.

Yet, looking back on an old video from six years ago we are reminded that not all that long ago things were very different in Haiti ... we sent 10 teams of approximately 10 team members a year to experience our Feeding Programs, Medical Clinics, staff and students first-hand, everyone's hearts were lighter, and unease and unrest was much less evident and even non-existent.

Watching this video reminds us of better days. Beyond missing the past and enjoying the memories, it can serve as a reminder of what WILL be again. It gives us hope and faith that we WILL return to Haiti one day, that the gang violence and unrest WILL end, and that Haiti WILL once again feel safe and secure, with our staff and students in Haiti looking forward to the days when teams arrive.

Sometimes we forget what home feels like when what we have come to know as home has changed, yet keeping the feeling of home in our hearts is what keeps our hope and faith of returning to Haiti alive and burning bright.

To all who have travelled with us to Haiti and to everyone who has been blessed enough to have been to Haiti in some capacity, please watch the video above. It will reignite the flame inside of your heart that may have dimmed, the flame of the feeling one experiences when in Haiti. Keeping that flame burning will keep the energy of returning to Haiti one day, hopefully soon, strong. This is what the power of the Lord is all about and how answered prayers and miracles happen. Everyone loves to come home, for home is where the heart is ... Haiti, you feel like home, and we WILL see you again!!!



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