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Another Student Sponsorship Success Story

Sometimes people don't realize the significant impact that they truly have on the people and communities that we support in Haiti when they donate or sponsor a student with us. As with most humanitarian organizations, people may wonder whether the financial support that they are providing is making any real difference. With so much going on behind-the-scenes in a country so far removed from our own, seeing first-hand the life-changing impact on the lives of the Haitian people that we support can, at times, be difficult to see but is no less representative of the depth of this reality as it is absolutely life-altering.

Esdras Louissaint is just one of many amazing examples of the remarkable difference that we and our student sponsors, donors and supporters are making in the lives of those that we support, as depicted in this recognition and thank you promotion that Esdras designed himself. As he shares, he was raised in a single-parent family and has been part of our Student Sponsorship Program since he was 6 years old. Now at 23, and still part of our program as he continues with his post-secondary education as our participants do not "age-out", he has achieved so much and continues to work hard toward his dreams and goals, crediting Restore Haiti's Sponsorship Program and the financial support that it provides for his success.

All of our students and the community members in the three areas that we serve are so very grateful for the incredible changes that they are witness to in their lives as a result of the support provided to them by us and by YOU with your donations and student sponsorships.

As noted above in Esdras' self-promotion and thank you, and in the video below which he made to express his gratitude to his sponsor, the huge positive and life-changing impact that we and YOU are making by supporting our efforts in Haiti is truly monumental.



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