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  • What does my monthly student sponsorship fee pay for exactly?
    Your monthly sponsorship fee covers your student's school fees (not including books or uniforms), access to basic medical care at one of our Medical Clinics and a hot meal five days a week at one of our Feeding Programs.
  • Why is my student older than what would seem appropriate for their grade level?
    Most students in Haiti do not start their education until later than is typical in North America for a variety of reasons, including the family needing the student's help at home or not having access to an education until an older age (due to financial or other various reasons). Haiti also has two or three more grade levels than the North American education system resulting in attending school for longer periods of time. Students in Haiti are also required to write several national exams at various points in their studies that must be passed. If a student does not pass a national exam they are held back until they do.
  • My student is in Grade 12, are they finishing high school this year?
    There are 13 grades in high school in Haiti at which point students are required to write a national exam which they must pass in order to officially graduate high school. The student will be held back until they pass this national exam (similar to SAT's like students in the U.S. are required to take).
  • Do I have to pay for my sponsored student to attend university or trade school after they graduate high school?
    Paying for your student's education after they graduate high school is not mandatory. When your student graduates secondary school you will be asked if you would like to continue to sponsor your student's post-secondary educational studies. Doing so would consist of continuing at the $38 per month rate that you had been paying for your primary / secondary level student OR you can choose to contribute at the higher post-secondary sponsorship fee level which is approximately $90 per month (or $45 per month for a shared sponsorship with another sponsor).
  • How do I send my sponsored student a letter?
    To send a letter to your sponsored student please write to indicating that you would like to send your student a letter (please provide the name of your student). You will receive an email with a link which will give you access to an online area where you can send your student a letter or upload them some photos. ** Please keep this link as it will give you ongoing access to write to your student whenever you would like.
  • Does my sponsored student speak English?
    Students in Haiti do not typically speak English unless they choose to learn how to more extensively themselves at an older age. The official language of Haiti is Haitian Creole, with most Haitians speaking French as well which is a very similar dialect to Creole. Schools in Haiti do teach English but it is very minimal and not deemed necessary and is not extensively taught .
  • Can we send items to Haiti yet such as some school supplies or a birthday gift?
    At this time we are not able to send gifts, school supplies etc. to Haiti due to the ongoing unrest . If you would like to send your sponsored student some money towards a gift for their birthday please visit Donate Now | Restore Haiti ( Staff in Haiti will ensure that 100% of the money that you send will go towards your student's birthday gift .
  • When will volunteer team trips resume?
    Unfortunately team travel has been halted for the foreseeable future due to the ongoing instability and gang activity in Haiti making it unsafe for visitors.
  • How do I log in to my account?
    Our new donor portal will be live before the end of March 2025. Please email if you need information about your account prior to the portal going live.
  • How do I update my credit card?
    Follow this link which will take you directly to Stripe (our payment management system). You will be asked to enter your email address and will receive an email from Stripe which will allow you to login without a password. You can modify the following information: - Modify existing payment details (expiration) - Default payment method (which card should be used) - New payment method (add a card not on file) - Modify billing address
  • How do I update my mailing address, phone number or email address?
    Please email and you will be sent instructions on how to do so.
  • How do I get my tax receipt?
    You will be sent (via email) your income tax receipt by the end of January for the previous year. If you have not received it please check your spam or junk folder or email .

Frequently Asked Questions

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